
Covid-19 Updates

Our Response to Covid-19 Pandemic

Our office is fully aware of your feelings and fears regarding the virus and have respected everyone’s wishes. We would like to touch base and update you as to what we have being doing over that time span.

First, the entire office has been renovated top to bottom, and we installed waterproof, hospital grade vinyl flooring which make it much easier to clean and disinfect the floors, which is done daily. All acoustical ceiling tiles have been removed and replaced by solid vinyl panels which are also waterproof and impervious to everything, including dust and mold. All surfaces have been repainted and cleaned, which we always did, but to a much higher level now.

We have introduced (6) H-13 Hospital grade HEPA filtration systems throughout the office which run continuously and turn over 850 square feet of space every hour.

We have purchased, and use daily, (3) high-tech aerosol evacuation units, 2 in hygiene therapy rooms and 1 with me. These units are positioned in front of you when we work, and they pull up 99% of the aerosols we create while doing procedures. See our video of this on Facebook and the website.) The aerosols are passed through (3) HEPA filters and finally through a UV-C light box which destroys pathogens, before being exhausted back into the room.

We have instituted a procedure called Hypohalous Acid Fogging of each operatory and space in the office. We produce this product, which is reported to be 8x stronger then bleach and non-toxic to humans, (used in the food industry), using a salt/ vinegar solution and we pass an electric current through it, which produces the liquid. It is the put in a fogger, and the entire room is treated, starting at the top. All surfaces are covered as the mist falls, so we can reach areas we never could before. There is also a video of this on YouTube, our website, and Facebook.

Our arrival and dismissal protocols remain in effect and if you have not been here since the start of the Pandemic, you will be instructed how to follow the protocol on arrival. Each morning, every employee has their temperature taken; we also record your temperature when you arrive. If over 99.5, you would be asked to re-schedule. We have purchased very heavy, hospital grade gowns, n95 masks (which make us look and sound like Darth Vader), and face shields where appropriate. We continue, as always, to cover as many surfaces as possible with disposable plastic sheaths. Everything that can be disposable, and one use has been utilized.

All door handles and touchable surfaces are disinfected with Cavicide at least twice a day. We also wipe bathroom surfaces and suggest using a paper towel when flushing the toilet. The entry door it kept open to reduce touching. Hand sanitizer stations are positioned throughout the office. We monitor, as we always have, our sterilizers every 5 days so we are sure they function perfectly, and we log the results as require by OSHA. Instruments are thoroughly cleaned ultrasonically and inspected before being sterilized. We date each pouch and re-sterilize if it has not been sterilized over the past 3 weeks. When I do procedures, all burs and diamonds, which are over $5 each and I use at least 6 during a crown procedure, are disposed. They are really sterilizable and reusable, but we throw them away. All of our handpieces have been sent out for disassembly, cleaning, and testing; then sterilized according to protocol.

We ask that you bear with us since these procedures have slowed us down considerably and we may fall behind on schedule. Also, we may have to take breaks to breath and cool off, since the new protective gear is constrictive and very hot.

As you can see, we have done all we can to keep you safe and will continue, as always, to do so. Many of you may still have significant concerns about coming to the office but hopefully this update will put your minds more at ease, but still take it seriously.

There is nothing more important than maintaining your dental heath, since putting off hygiene therapy could lead to periodontal disease and more expensive procedures. Putting off restorative procedures is the worst thing you can do, since the problems only can get bigger, more complicated, and much more expensive. I do many complicated and extensive and many of my patients have been in provisionals for a long time and have not been seen!! Decay and failure of the provisionals could destroy the already compromised teeth. Wear on the provisionals might require starting over, at great expense.

Remember, your dental health affects everything regarding your overall heath; the mouth is the portal. Diabetes patients could experience rapid bone loss, dry mouth patients could have rampant decay, and everyone now knows, bacteria in the mouth can affect the heart and artificial joints if not controlled.

Please take the time to call the office, discuss any fears and concerns, and make an appointment. If any family and friends feel unsafe in their offices, they are more than welcome to come here.  We are in a building phase anyway.  If their offices have not done the above, yes, their risk is much higher. One good note, it has been reported that less than 1% of the dentists in the country have been infected by Covid-19……impressive!

Thank you for your time, stay safe, and spread the word about our office. We are here for you.


Dr Yost
